Monday, June 27, 2011


Since my lovely redneck lesbian girlfriend keeps asking me if I've started the blog yet...I suppose I should start the blog, huh? 

I will start with who the heck we are.  We are two newly out lesbians that are head over heels in love.  Well, can you be "newly" out if it's been over six months?  We've been together a year now and are planning our commitment ceremony for summer of 2012.  We live in a very small town in the midwest.  We like guns, country music and big trucks.  We don't exactly fit the mold of traditional lesbians.  Hence, we are redneck lesbians (RESBIANS). 

We have blended our families - I have a ten year old son and she has a 17 month old daughter.   We also have our furry kids (as all good lesbians SHOULD! ha ha) One pooch and two cats.  Needless to say we live in a bit of a zoo. 

The point of this blog is to chronicle how we got here, how we are building our family and challenges we face.


  1. Welcome to the blogosphere! I look forward to reading your posts and getting to know your story. :)

  2. Welcome. Looks like I've arrived here just in time to catch up and get on track with your posts. love the term resbians!! :)
