Saturday, July 2, 2011

Too much!

Why is it that stressors can't happen individually?  It must be one after another after another. 
Yesterday, our oldest left for a month with his dad.  In a DIFFERENT STATE.  My baby is going to be in a DIFFERENT state than me for an ENTIRE MONTH.  A MONTH, people.  That is a long, honkin time.  Let me qualify by saying that I am thrilled that he gets to spend that much time with his Daddy.  I just wish it were happening closer to home so I could still hug my man child regularly. redneck girl got bad news.  Nothing life threatening, just stressful and sucky.  I won't go in to detail, suffice to say we will be fine.  She will be fine. 

In better news, we are kid free all weekend!!!  WOOOOOO HOOOOO!!!!!  I am quite looking forward to "us" time.  With two kids, jobs, the dog and all of our other obligations, us time can become a precious commodity.  I can't wait to just be alone with this woman I love.  No matter what challenges get thrown our way - we can make it because of this HUGE love we share.  It's amazing.  And I love her. :)


  1. The reasons behind your alone time aren't ideal but always great to take advantage of :)

  2. We did - our first trip to the lesbian bar!! :D
